the best employment lawyer toronto
the best employment lawyer toronto
the best employment lawyer toronto

We wish to thank our clients, colleagues, members of the profession and our community for taking the time to vote. Over the last few years, our team of experts have worked hard to establish a reputation for providing superior, practical and cost-effective representation. We are honored to accept this award from the Toronto Star for the third year in a row, which is a huge testament to the standard of excellence we strive to maintain within our practice - a standard rooted in our Client First approach to providing legal services.

Rated one of the best employment law firms in Toronto by Best in Toronto

Toronto Employment and Labour Lawyers

Hyde HR Law is a boutique Employment and Labour law firm, located downtown Toronto. Although centred in the GTA, we represent clients across Canada, from multinational corporations to small business; from individuals to groups and associations.

Located close to the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Superior Court of Justice, our firm is particularly well situated to provide our clients with the unparalleled responsiveness, strong and effective representation, that they need and expect in today’s marketplace.

Hyde HR Law was founded by John Hyde, previously the managing partner of Canada’s best-known employment law firm. John is joined by a number of his colleagues who share his Client First approach to providing practical and cost-efficient representation. John is one of only 23 lawyers in Canada certified by the Law Society as a Specialist in Labour Law.

The Lawyers at Hyde HR Law come from nationally recognized law firms and, bring to the table the kind of attention to detail, drive for excellence and commitment to quality that underlies our success in client representation.

The lawyers at Hyde HR Law also bring something different to the practice of law: that is, practical real-life experiences, with pre-law backgrounds in human resources management, journalism, and other industries, ranging from transportation to construction.

Our motto is: "Our business, begins with understanding yours".

We think it makes us better lawyers. We hope you do too.