Hyde HR Law accepts Labour clients from the Bendale South neighbourhood.
The neighbourhood, Bendale South is located in the central part of Scarborough. The neighbourhood boundary for Bendale South starts were Lawrence Avenue East and Midland Avenue meet. The boundary continues east along Lawrence Avenue East until it reaches West Highland Creek and follows the creek south through Hague Park, McCowan Park, and Knob Hill Park to Brimley Road. At Brimley Road, the boundary continues briefly south to Citadel Drive, following Citadel Drive west until Stansbury Crescent. The boundary follows Stansbury Crescent westward to Midland Avenue, where the boundary turns north along Midland Avenue. After short distance north, the boundary turns west from Midland Avenue to travel along Tara Avenue. Where Tara Road intersects with the Canadian National Railway tracks, the boundary then follows the railway north to the hydro transmission corridor that run north of Romulus Drive. The boundary continues east along the hydro corridor until it meets Midland Avenue. Once the boundary meets with Midland Avenue, it turns north along Midland Avenue, connecting back with Lawrence Avenue East.