Hyde HR Law accepts Labour clients from the Cabbagetown-South St.James Town neighbourhood.
The neighbourhood, Cabbagetown-South St. James Town is located in the central part of Toronto. The neighbourhood boundary for Cabbagetown-South St.James Town starts at the intersection of Wellesley Street and Jarvis Street. The neighbourhood boundary continues East on Wellesley Street to Parliament Street. At Parliament Street, the boundary continues North to Bloor Street East. At Bloor Street East, the boundary continues North-East, onto the Prince Edward Viaduct, to the Don River. At the Don River, the boundary continues South along the river to Gerrard Street East. When the Don River meets Gerrard Street East, the boundary continues West on Gerrard Street East to Parliament Street. At Parliament Street, the boundary continues North to Carlton Street. At Carlton Street, the boundary continues West to Jarvis Street. At the Jarvis Street and Carlton Street intersection, the boundary continues North on Jarvis Street back to Wellesley Street.