Hyde HR Law accepts Labour clients from the Leaside-Bennington neighbourhood.
The neighbourhood, Leaside-Bennington is located in East York. The neighbourhood boundary for Leaside-Bennington starts at the intersection of Bayview Avenue and Kilgour Road. The boundary continues East along Kilgour Road until it ends. When Kilgour Road ends, the boundary continues along a property line that cuts through Sunnybrook Park and Serena Gundy Park, to another property line located between Serena Grundy Park and Wilket Creek Park. The boundary then continues South along the property line between Serena Grundy Park and Wilket Creek Park to Eglinton Avenue East. At Eglinton Avenue East, the boundary continues West to Laird Drive. At Laird Drive, the boundary continues South to where Laird Drive merges into Millwood Road. The boundary continues South along Millwood Road, until it merges with the Leaside Bridge. When the Leaside Bridge intersects with the Don River, the boundary continues South-West to a property line connecting the Don River to another property line located West of the Canadian National Railway. The boundary continues West along the property line from the Don River, to the property line located West of the Canadian National Railway. The boundary then continues North along the property line located West of the Canadian National Railway, to another property line that cuts through Kay Gardner Beltline Park. The boundary continues North-West along this property line, cutting through Kay Gardner Beltline Park and Moore Park Ravine, to Moore Avenue. At Moore Avenue, the boundary continues East until it intersects with Bayview Avenue. At the Bayview Avenue and Moore Avenue intersection, the boundary continues North along Bayview Avenue, back to Kilgour Road.